Friday 13 November 2009

Final Front Cover

This is my Final Front cover for my school magazine, I chose this image as I think it portrays the exact message I want to show which is the two different types of students, and which one is really realistic. The colours used show the studious student in a light coloured coat with colourful books and she looks very bright, the relaxed, casual student is in black, this suggests negativity. I wanted to do this as it shows the typical ideas of students and what is really what is necessary to be a good student.
I did the title in this font because it is really bold. It looks like a new and exciting magazine and it really attracts the reader. I asked 15 people if they would pick up this magazine and they all replied yes. 7 of the 15 said it was because the title attracted them to the magazine. The fact that it is white also attracts attention. It is really bright and it looks quite technological.
3 people said they would pick it up because it was free. I decided to make it free as my target audience are students, In my survey I asked if people would be willing to pay for the magazine and the majority said no. This made me believe it would be easier if I made it free as it would attract many more students that probably do not have much money spare. I decided that if the magazine was to be successful after 2 months, it would have a price of 50p.
The remaining 5 people said that the overall presentation attracted them to the front cover. I think this is because it all fits together. I decided to keep a plain font for the subtitles as it helps focus on the image and it looks more proffesional. I really wanted to create a professional feel to my magazine as it would really attract readers to look at it. It would make them feel special and almost more sophisticated.
Overall, I am very pleased with my front cover, I wouldn't change it if I could as I really believe it would attract all students. I think I catered to all different students as the subtitles could apply to anyone. The only thing that I might have changed is the fact that there are two girls on the front cover. If i had used a girl and a boy it might have been a bit more broad. However, I am still extremely satisfied with my front cover.

1 comment:

  1. The main image and the design of the title are both excellent. What magazine or type of magazine does the design of the title suggest? Did you get your inspiration from somewhere? For the music magazine, you should think about ways to make the text stand out more from the picture behind it.
