Thursday 1 October 2009

Evaluation of School Magazine

Looking at the front cover of a sixth form magazine, I noticed many ways in which it conformed to the norm. Firstly, The magazine had the date and price, this would be seen in any magazine as they are compulsary.

However, the title was completely different. The title was extremely small in the corner of the magazine, it was not eyecatching and although professionally done, did not attract the readers attention. The fact that they used lower case for the beginning and capitals for the end of the word creates a subversion. They are trying to be different which would attract original and unique people which is probably they're target audience as schools are very diverse.

Additionally, the subtitles, "cook it!" and "university worries" are very emotive. they use exclamations to attract the reader. The fact that their are very different topics shows that the magazine is attempting to attract a variety of students. However, they limit their audience range with all the direction to girls. The magazine could be seen as targeting mostly at a female audience, this is suggested by "Advice-from health to boys" and "We follow a girls journey", we are assuming that "boy advice" is to do with relationships with boys, this shows that the magazine is aiming to attract girls. Also, the fact that it says we follow a girls journey and specifies on the front page that it is a girl not just a student shows that the magazine creators want girls to relate.

The banner at the bottom of the page is also very professional, the fact that it is covering the girl gives it importance and attracts the readers attention. "its here. for you. every month." also attracts the readers attention, the use of short sentences implies the magazine gets straight to the point and understands the reader. It highlights the fact that the magazine is for stressed students that don't have a lot of time.

However, I believe that the image used distracts from the point of the magazine. It is a girl in a prom-like dress posing as if it was a fashion magazine. In my opinion, this picture does not fit with the message a sixth form magazine should be giving out, if the magazine was discussing the point of prom and maybe, possible outfits for prom, this picture would be relevant however it just narrows the target audience yet again.

In conclusion, I believe that although this magazine does look extremely professional, it limits its audience with the use of a girl in a formal dress on the front cover, which eliminates everyone looking for a magazine to help with studies, sports or getting to know new people. Also, the targetting of girls so often also limits the audience to half the sixth form.